We finally hit our first burger joint! The plan had been to start with The Squeeze Inn since it is most often picked as the top burger in town. But the temperature today is 105 and the seating is outdoors so suddenly it didn't sound so appealing. Today's adventure was made up of John, Jack and myself. We decided to hit Nationwide Freezer Meats which usually ends up on the top pick list of burger joints. Nationwide has been in business for 40 years and I have to say, the location looks like it. I was surprised to hear that they actually re-located 6 years ago to H street. Their current location looks like an old store front or office building with a few tables added. It's clean and comfortable but definitely falls into the category of Burger Joints. I ordered the Cheese Burger and Fries. Luckily I noticed that they put "Special Sauce" on their burgers. I hate special sauce. Since I hate Thousand Island dressing, it makes sense that I hate the sauce. I got mine with ketchup.
It took about 10 minutes and the burger was delivered in a brown paper bag. Overall it was a good burger. I thought the bun was too big. I don't need that much bread with my burger. The meat was tasty and well cooked. It was a good size burger and the toppings were okay. You don't get to choose your cheese so it tasted like American. Not the most tasty cheese in the world. The fries were outstanding. they are the big meaty fries and looked like they had just be sliced and fried. I ate every last one!
Of course the company and conversation were fabulous. We coined a new phrase "Pee Pants funny". (actually John might have already coined it but I'm introducing it to the public here.)
We've decided to go with a 10 star rating system (10 being the highest and 0 the lowest.) I'm going to give Nationwide 6 stars. Originally I was going with 7 but it is hard being the first joint. I don't want to go too high in case there are a ton of better burgers out there. This one might be one worth going back to down the road to compare with other entrees.
Feel free to agree or disagree. Can't wait to hear what John says.
Beth's Rating: 7 Buns