As soon as the car pulled up to the restaurant i knew that this was going to be different then the other burger joints that i have been too and despite that trouble that we had finding the entrance we walked in and... it was kind of plain. yes, the restaurant did not have much in the way of "atmosphere" but if you wanted that then you should have become an astronaut, no what i wanted was a burger a nice juicy burger. So the group looked over the menu and we all decided that we would have just the good ol fashioned burger, fries, and a coke (BTW all the burgers are steak burgers). The service was pretty quick and the burger did indeed look good but the fries surprised me. i did not know that restaurants still even made those big thick french fries but i was proven wrong. The fries melted in your mouth and the burger was well, average. going to this restaurant proved to me that there are reasons why things have been around for so long but it also shows that despite all those years there is still room for improvement. But if you want an average burger then this is some meat that will be hard to beat. 7/10

John's rating: 7 Buns
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